Hydrocarbon exploration and play-concepts evaluation (Seismic interpretation, Geochemical modelation, Well analysis, Reservoirs stratigraphical architecture characterization, Structural modeling, Prospect evaluation, Exploratory programs proposal) in Spain for different companies: REPSOL, CEPSA, Petroleum Oil & Gas, Gas Natural Fenosa, CAIRN ENERGY, TEREDO OIL, ASLAND ENERGY, GASINEX (GESA), ROBERTSON-AURENSA, Unión Fenosa Gas, SERYSON, HIDROCARBUROS DE EUSKADI, HOPE PETRÓLEOS, ESCANA OGP, BNK, STORENGY and SORGENIA.
Main exploratory domains:
• Offshore: Cádiz Goulf, Vizcaya Goulf, Galicia, Mediterráneo, & Portugal.
• Onshore: Vasque Cantabrian Basin, Ebro Basin, Duero Basin, Guadalquivir Basin, Betic range: Campo de Gibraltar, Prebetic & Subbetic & Balearic high and Pirineo Range.
• Programm, Planning and technical supervisión in seismic surveys and other geophysical acquisition surveys in onshore areas Spain, South-America, Wester Asia and North-Africa, for different companies: Cepsa, Enresa, Enagas, Repsol-Syrian Branch.
• Synthesis project EROM (Regional Exploration in the middle East), for REPSOL
• Hydrocarbon potential evaluation Lancaster Projet in the North Sea, for Hurricane-Guadalmar Companies association.
• Technical assitance services of Hydrocarbon Exploration and Gas Shale Potential evaluation in Northeast of Spain (Pyrenean and Catalonian Basins). Shale Gas.
• Offshore: Cádiz Goulf, Vizcaya Goulf, Galicia, Mediterráneo, & Portugal.
• Onshore: Vasque Cantabrian Basin, Ebro Basin, Duero Basin, Guadalquivir Basin, Betic range: Campo de Gibraltar, Prebetic & Subbetic & Balearic high and Pirineo Range.
The scope of the carried out projects are summarized as followed:
• Seismic , Petrophysics & Geochemical interpretation and Petroleum system modeling in several Word basin for REPSOL Company• Programm, Planning and technical supervisión in seismic surveys and other geophysical acquisition surveys in onshore areas Spain, South-America, Wester Asia and North-Africa, for different companies: Cepsa, Enresa, Enagas, Repsol-Syrian Branch.
• Synthesis project EROM (Regional Exploration in the middle East), for REPSOL
• Hydrocarbon potential evaluation Lancaster Projet in the North Sea, for Hurricane-Guadalmar Companies association.
• Technical assitance services of Hydrocarbon Exploration and Gas Shale Potential evaluation in Northeast of Spain (Pyrenean and Catalonian Basins). Shale Gas.
• Technical assitance services of Oil&Gas Exploration in Spain, for the companies: Kerr-Mc Gee Oil & Gas Corporation, Robertson Geospec, TGS Nopec, Fugro-Geoteam, Conoco, BNK. Storengy and Sorgenia.
• Stratigraphical & Structural interpretation in the Atlantic margin offshore area for Locs Oil Company Of Spain, SL.
• Geological & Geophysical Interpretation & evaluation of the Hassi- Messaud field (Algeria), for CEPSA Company.
• 3D seismic interpretation, QOUBBA Projet (Algeria), for CEPSA Company.
• Characterization of Paleozoic reservoirs in the TXAN-1 and TMZ-1 wells (Issaouane concession, illizi Basin Algeria). Repsol
• Area Tiznit evaluation (Marrocco offshore). CEPSA
• Integrated sedimentological and petrographic study of the devonian sequence of well ISW-1. Issaouane. Repsol
• "Petroleum System of the Offshore Western Mediterranean Basin" report. TGS Nopec.
• Setting and synthesis of the Triassic targets for Carboniferous or Permian source rock in Spain. Repsol
• Upper Purbeckian Limestone evaluation. Interpretation of 3D Seismic data and well Log analysis "Ayoluengo structure". La Lora License. Cantabrian Basin. Spain. Ascent Resources PLC.
• Exploratory potential in Treviño area. Vasque-Cantabrian Basin. SHESA Company
• Geochemical Outcropping sampling and evaluation in "SIERRA SAGRA" Y "MURCIA A y B" permits. (Betic Range). Repsol.
• Petrophysical evaluation of gas shows in Cuenca de Madrid Wells, for Vancast Company
• Unconventional gas evaluation areas in the Spanish onshore for different International Companies.
• Stratigraphical & Structural interpretation in the Atlantic margin offshore area for Locs Oil Company Of Spain, SL.
• Geological & Geophysical Interpretation & evaluation of the Hassi- Messaud field (Algeria), for CEPSA Company.
• 3D seismic interpretation, QOUBBA Projet (Algeria), for CEPSA Company.
• Characterization of Paleozoic reservoirs in the TXAN-1 and TMZ-1 wells (Issaouane concession, illizi Basin Algeria). Repsol
• Area Tiznit evaluation (Marrocco offshore). CEPSA
• Integrated sedimentological and petrographic study of the devonian sequence of well ISW-1. Issaouane. Repsol
• "Petroleum System of the Offshore Western Mediterranean Basin" report. TGS Nopec.
• Setting and synthesis of the Triassic targets for Carboniferous or Permian source rock in Spain. Repsol
• Upper Purbeckian Limestone evaluation. Interpretation of 3D Seismic data and well Log analysis "Ayoluengo structure". La Lora License. Cantabrian Basin. Spain. Ascent Resources PLC.
• Exploratory potential in Treviño area. Vasque-Cantabrian Basin. SHESA Company
• Geochemical Outcropping sampling and evaluation in "SIERRA SAGRA" Y "MURCIA A y B" permits. (Betic Range). Repsol.
• Petrophysical evaluation of gas shows in Cuenca de Madrid Wells, for Vancast Company
• Unconventional gas evaluation areas in the Spanish onshore for different International Companies.
• Seismic interpretation and trap characterization in Cordoba B-2 well, for Nuelgas
• Geological and Geophysycal Interpretation. Tozo structure. Basconcillos-H Permit. Tethys Oil, Ascent Resources PLC, Teredo Oils LTD.
• Hontomin Structure Geological and Geophysical evaluation Hontomin-4 summary report. Ascent Resources PLC.
• Hontomin 4 Geological and Geophysical evaluation interpretation of 2D seismic data Huermeces block Cantabrian Basin Spain. Ascent Resources PLC.
• Upper Purbeckian limestone evaluation interpretation of 3D seismic data and well log analysis "Ayoluengo structure" La Lora License Cantabrian Basin (Spain). Ascent Resources PLC.
• “Arenas del Guadalquivir Fm” geometrical characterization. Palmera 1 Project-El Ruedo. Guadalquivir Basin, for Unión Fenosa Gas-Nuelgas .
• Geological and Gephysical Study on the Golfo de Valencia-Mediterraneas Basin for Hydrocarbon Exploration. Cairn Energy.
• Reserve evaluation in four gas fields in Pakistan, for SOCOIN (Unión Fenosa Gas).
• Hydrogeological & Structural study in Horquilla y Calderín permits (Guadalquivir Basin), for Petroleum Oil & Gas (Gas Natural Group).
• Validation of statistical procedure for identification of analogous reservoirs, reservoir characterization and generation cluster correlations. Repsol.
• Geological and geophysical Hydrocarbon Exploration data compilation Placido-Ainsa & Carlota Permits South Pyrenees. Teredo Oils.
• Technical assitence in the exploratory hydrocarbons data management, in the East Pirinean Range, for Teredo Oil Company..
• Geological and Geophysycal Interpretation. Tozo structure. Basconcillos-H Permit. Tethys Oil, Ascent Resources PLC, Teredo Oils LTD.
• Hontomin Structure Geological and Geophysical evaluation Hontomin-4 summary report. Ascent Resources PLC.
• Hontomin 4 Geological and Geophysical evaluation interpretation of 2D seismic data Huermeces block Cantabrian Basin Spain. Ascent Resources PLC.
• Upper Purbeckian limestone evaluation interpretation of 3D seismic data and well log analysis "Ayoluengo structure" La Lora License Cantabrian Basin (Spain). Ascent Resources PLC.
• “Arenas del Guadalquivir Fm” geometrical characterization. Palmera 1 Project-El Ruedo. Guadalquivir Basin, for Unión Fenosa Gas-Nuelgas .
• Geological and Gephysical Study on the Golfo de Valencia-Mediterraneas Basin for Hydrocarbon Exploration. Cairn Energy.
• Reserve evaluation in four gas fields in Pakistan, for SOCOIN (Unión Fenosa Gas).
• Hydrogeological & Structural study in Horquilla y Calderín permits (Guadalquivir Basin), for Petroleum Oil & Gas (Gas Natural Group).
• Validation of statistical procedure for identification of analogous reservoirs, reservoir characterization and generation cluster correlations. Repsol.
• Geological and geophysical Hydrocarbon Exploration data compilation Placido-Ainsa & Carlota Permits South Pyrenees. Teredo Oils.
• Technical assitence in the exploratory hydrocarbons data management, in the East Pirinean Range, for Teredo Oil Company..